Profile PictureKirsten Milliken

ADHD Parent Primer Series

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But My Child Can Pay Attention to Video Games For Hours! Parenting a Child With ADHD, From Diagnosis To Living A Successful Life

Your Child has just been diagnosed with ADHD. Or maybe her teacher has suggested an IEP (individual education plan) team meeting to discuss having her tested. You were given the basics of what this means and might have had the wherewithal to ask a few questions. But now it’s sinking in and you have a million more questions swirling in your head.

Dr. Milliken is a leader in the field of ADHD. Having worked with parents, kids, teachers and other professionals in community and school settings, she knows the questions parents ask most. She has created this ebook series as a starting place to answer your questions. Throughout this series you will also get tips, tools and information about some of the best resources to turn to next.

Dr. Milliken offers expert insightful and actionable answers to your questions about ADHD in this eBook series. The series covers steps from meeting with the school team to getting a diagnosis and understanding the test report, to educating yourself about ADHD and treatment options. Most importantly, Dr. Milliken offers ways to make everyday life easier and lets you know that living with ADHD can be fun!

Included in this series:

Book 1 will answer your questions about getting a diagnosis, getting the most out of an IEP meeting, your child's rights, evaluation options, and twice-exceptional students. Parents will also gain an understanding of what ADHD is and options for treatment.

Book 2 offers tips for helping you and your child collaborate with the school system, providers and people close to you. Dr. Milliken offers suggestions for advocating for services in school, working with your child's treatment team, and empowering your child to advocate for themselves.

In book 3 parents are given coping strategies to help care for themselves, their family and their child with ADHD, so that everyone has a fun and happy life. Topics include how to get homework done, habits and routines to support your ADHD child, discipline, self-care, and home organization tips. Parents are also given concrete suggestions for talking with their child about ADHD. The most awesome part of this series is the section on using play to not only have fun but to manage ADHD, get motivated and learn!

BONUS! Dr. Milliken gives you tips and links to find local providers and other community based and online resources to support you and your child to live a great life with ADHD. This includes where to find other ADHD experts, online support forums, books, videos, apps, technology and information for parents. There is also a separate section of resources for kids and teens. And, of course, what would a bonus be without some fun ADHD sites.

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ADHD Parent Primer Series

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